Bryophytes and lichens

Factsheet bryophytes: Bryophytes are generally small, mostly less than 5 cm. In contrast to vascular plants, they rarely grow as single stems but form cushions. Bryophytes show a wide range of physiological adaptations to stress caused by natural or anthropogenic disturbance and are therefore good indicator species.

Factsheet lichens: Lichens are a complex life form, a symbiotic partnership of two separate organisms, fungus and alga. The dominant partner is the fungus, which gives the lichen the majority of its characteristics, from its thallus shape to its fruiting bodies. Lichens are found worldwide and occur in a variety of environmental conditions. They are frequently found on tree bark and exposed rocks.

Methods: The bryophyte and lichens surveys are done within the botanical survey. We randomly choose four subplots of 0.1 m² where we collect all different morphospecies. The resulting material is stored in four separate bags. The identification of both, bryophytes and lichens is carried out by external collaborators.

Sieve-tooth moss (Coscinodon cribrosus), dry rocks next to Feldthurns/Velturno

Sieve-tooth moss (Coscinodon cribrosus)

Chrysothrix sp. are lichens growing on metamorphic rocks, protected from rain

Wood with lichens
