Colloquium of the Platform Biodiversity – Financing Nature Conservation

From European Grants to Biodiversity Credits, a Journey into the World of Public and Private Financing

Protecting nature has its price. In Europe, and also in South Tyrol, we are accustomed to thinking that funding for these activities must come from public sources. While this is partly true, there are many other sources, often little known and unexplored. This colloquium will introduce us to the LIFE program, as well as examples of philanthropic programs, the use of carbon and biodiversity credits to stimulate private investment, and the conservation of areas by landowners themselves. Finally, we will try to understand if these methods could be interesting and applicable in a region like ours, located in the heart of the Alps.

Angelo Salsi was born in Bolzano and, after graduating in agriculture, participated in the creation of the first agro-meteorological service in Emilia-Romagna. In 1994 he began his adventure as an official of the European Commission, which lasted almost 30 years. He oversaw the creation of the Natura 2000 network and the development of the LIFE program for financing environmental projects. In 2022, he ended his career as head of the department responsible for the LIFE and EMFAF programs. Since then, he has continued to work for the protection of the environment in Europe and the rest of the world, both as a consultant and as a university professor. A passion that is hard to kill!

The event can also be followed online on the Museum’s YouTube channel.
