
Matteo Anderle
Ornithologist | When the rest of the team is still asleep, he sacrifices his sleep to track birds
T +39 0471 055 828

Roberta Bottarin
Limnologist | She is used to wading through icy cold streams
T +39 0471 055 313

Roberto Dellavedova
Botanist | Observes and identifies the flora that surrounds us daily
T +39 0471 055 819

Elia Guariento
Entomologist | He is ready for a sprint whenever a butterfly crosses his way
T +39 0471 055 298

Andreas Hilpold
Project Manager | Trying to get things done… again and again
T +39 0471 055 345

Lisa Obwegs
Entomologist | Always on the lookout and ready if a wild bee comes into her line of sight
T +39 0471 055 307

Chiara Paniccia
Mammologist | Fond to organize and arrange ecological data
T +39 0471 055 827

Julia Plunger
Entomologist | Digging holes in all kinds of habitats in order to catch tiny animals
T +39 0471 055 346

Silvia Poponessi
Bryologist | Has the necessary intuition to examine the smallest mosses
+39 0471 055 788

Daniele Ricaldone
Limnologist | No macroinvertebrate escapes his classification skills
T +39 0471 055 942

Enrico Rosso
Entomologist| Loves the tiny animals in and on our soil
T +39 0471 055 890

Margot Schwienbacher
Project assistant | All-rounder: She supports the team wherever she can
+39 0471 0550 759

Julia Seeber
Soil Ecologist | Distinguishing between shades of brown and grey in order to give soils a name
T +39 0471 055 318

Michael Steinwandter
Soil Ecologist | Likes to take long hikes up and come back with a heavy load of soil
T +39 0471 055 313

Julia Strobl
Communication and Dissemination Assistant | Likes to share her love for nature
T +39 0471 055 832

Ulrike Tappeiner
Project Leader | Makes sure that we don’t lose track
T +39 0471 055 301

Francesca Vallefuoco
Limnologist | Loves the little creatures living in our streams
+39 0471 055 161

Magdalena Vanek
Limnologist | Eagerly examines small creatures in our streams to determine the water quality
Associated scientists

Alexander Rief
Arachnologist | Likes to chase small invertebrates with (too) many legs and eyes

Eva Ladurner
Mammologist | When it comes to mice and bats Eva is our great support

Johannes Rüdisser
Ecologist and Biodiversity Researcher | Our butterfly monitoring expert and advisor for methodical and ecological topics

Tanja Maria Straka (D)
Urban Ecologist | Enjoys thinking about the complex interactions between people, animals, and plants in cities.
Current Trainees
Internship concluded

Alex Bellé (I)

Marie Edith Claude Farget (F)

Lidia Cominassi (I)

Giordano Brambilla (I)

Anna Elisa Marchetti (I)

Franziska Zimmermann (D)

Alessia Breccia (I)

Anna Katharina Lau (D)

Anouk Francine Von Meijenfeldt (NL)

Bernd Rokita (A)

Daan Gerard Curwiel (NL)

Elias Spögler (I)

Emanuele Repetto (I)

Fabian Vassanelli (I)

Francesca Corradini (I)

Francesca Rigo (I)

Felix Puff (I)

Giacomo Biziato (I)

Giacomo Imbalzano (I)

Jarek Scanferla (I)

Jennifer Lüdtke (D)

Jennifer Rossin (I)

Joseph Kiem (I)

Jonas Weißensteiner (I)

Joy Giovanni Matabishi (RW)

Julia Rosa Ladurner (I)

Julian Von Spinn (I)

Julius Hecher (A)

Katharina Engl (I)

Laura Bellentani (I)

Lisa Schweitzer (I)

Luca Frattini (I)

Ludwig Camillo Baldaszti (A)

Luca Cola (I)

Magdalena Vanek (A)

Marc Skubski (D)

Marcel Vermeulen (D)

Morgan Jaslen Scott (US)

Moritz Hinz (D)

Matilde Case (I)

Nicola Eccel (I)

Nicola Larroux (I)

Nicolò Chiappetta (I)

Quinn O’Halloran (NZ)

Sabine Brachmann (D)

Sarah Maria Gross (A)

Stefania Volani (I)

Teresa Zeni (I)

Thea Schwingshackl (I)

Thomas Holzer (A)

Tim Tony Ian Manfred Van Noort (NL)

Valentin Heimer (D)

Verena Steinkasserer (I)

Vincenzo Meola (I)

William De Grandi (I)

Daan Gerard Curwiel (NL)
Former collaborators, not forgotten

Alberto Scotti

Florian Reichegger

Lisa Angelini

Simon Stifter