Colloquium of the Platform Biodiversity: Go where the… ice takes you: stories of insects in high altitude environments

Insects react sensitively to climate change and studying them helps us to understand the impact of global warming on the biodiversity of the Alps. Mauro Gobbi will guide us through his research and will show us how insects are a crucial tool for interpreting climate change.

Mauro Gobbi, is a researcher at the MUSE – science museum at Trento. For almost twenty years he has been researching the insects that live on the edges of alpine and extra-alpine glaciers. He has done expeditions in the Alps, Pyrenees, Andes and Scandinavia.

The Colloquium takes place on March 9th 2022, at the Museum for Natural Science (via Bottai 1, Bolzano). Due to current Covid measures, only 34 people can attend in person. We therefore ask for registration. Admission is free. Info: Tel. 0471 412964

The presentation will be held in Italian language.

The presentation can be watched also online on YouTube:
