







E-learning course “Biodiversity South Tyrol”

The topic of biodiversity is more topical than ever. But what exactly is biodiversity, why is it under pressure, what does it have to do with me, and what is the state of biodiversity in South Tyrol? These questions are addressed in the e-learning course “Biodiversity South Tyrol”, which our team developed with the help of Eurac for Schools, in German and Italian language.

In the course, the term biodiversity is first explained and then the project Biodiversity Monitoring South Tyrol is presented. Finally, the first results of the project as well as some highlights from the first two years of the survey are presented.

The target group of the course are students from the 3rd secondary school and all interested persons.

We hope you enjoy the course! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

Workshop “Biodiversity”

Every year in April, the Biodiversity Monitoring South Tyrol team offers a three-hour interactive workshop on the topic of biodiversity. The workshop is aimed at secondary school classes and conveys the importance of biodiversity as well as the scientific survey and identification methods used within the Biodiversity Monitoring South Tyrol.

For further information and to register, please consult the following page: Freilandlabor Biodiversität – Eurac Research (DE) or Laboratorio all’aperto Biodiversità – Eurac Research (IT)
