Publikationen & Presseecho


Anderle M, Brambilla M, Angelini L, Guariento E, Paniccia C, Plunger J, Seeber J, Stifter S, Tappeiner U, Tasser E, Hilpold A (2024): Efficiency of birds as bioindicators for other taxa in mountain farmlands. Ecological Indicators (Volume 158, January 2024, 111569).

Rigo F, Paniccia C, Anderle M, Chianucci F, Obojes N, Tappeiner U, Hilpold A, Mina M (2024): Relating forest structural characteristics to bat and bird diversity in the Italian Alps. Forest Ecology and Management 554 (2024) 121673.

Vallefuoco F, Vanek M, Bottarin R, Scotti A (2024): Quantification of large-spatial scale and in-stream factors affecting the structure of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in mountain streams. Lmnologica Volume 106, May 2024, 126172.


Anderle M, Brambilla M, Hilpold A, Matabishi JG, Paniccia C, Rocchini D, Rossin J, Tasser E, Torresani M, Tappeiner U, Seeber J (2023): Habitat heterogeneity promotes bird diversity in agricultural landscapes: insights from remote sensing data. Basic and Applied Ecology.

Hilpold A, Anderle M, Guariento E, Marsoner T, Mina M, Paniccia C, Plunger J, Rigo F, Rüdisser J, Scotti A, Seeber J, Steinwandter M, Stifter S, Strobl J, Suarez-Muñoz M, Vanek M, Bottarin R, Tappeiner U (2023) Handbook – Biodiversity Monitoring South Tyrol, Bozen/Bolzano, Italy: Eurac Research.

Paniccia C, Zingg E P, Bellè A, Hilpold A, Reichegger F Tappeiner U, Ladurner E (2023) Bioacoustic evidence for a continuous summer presence of the greater noctule bat, Nyctalus lasiopterus, in the Italian Alps. Mammal Research.

Hilpold A, Guariento E (2023): Pezotettix giornae (Rossi, 1794) (Insecta, Acrididae), ein Neufund für die Fauna Südtirols, Gredleriana 22: 149.152. Gredleriana_22-2022_6-HilpoldGuariento.indd (

Burrascano S, Chianucci F, Trentanovi G, Kepfer Rojas S (…) Paniccia C (2023): Where are we now with European forest multi-taxon biodiversity and where can we head to? Biological Conservation 284:110176 10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110176

Guariento E, Repetto E, Hilpold A (2023): Erebia flavofasciata (Insecta, Nymphalidae), an endangered endemic Alpine butterfly newly recorded in South Tyrol, Italy. Zenodo

Puff F, Hilpold A, Schulze C H, & Guariento E (2023). Trithemis annulata (Insecta, Libellulidae) reaches the northernmost Italian region Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol. Zenodo.

Obwegs L, Nocker L, Guariento E, von Mörl G, Fontana P, Anderle M, Paniccia C, Plunger J, Tappeiner U, Hilpold A, Pramsohler M (2023): Biodiversitätserhebungen in Kräuteranbauflächen. Laimburg Journal 5, (Aug. 2023).

Vallefuoco F, Vanek M, Scotti A, Bottarin R (2023): Effect of management strategies and substrate composition on functional and taxonomic macroinvertebrate communities in lowland ditches of Alto Adige/Südtirol. Gredleriana 23. Gredleriana 23 – Naturmuseum Südtirol (


Guariento E, Rüdisser J, Fiedler K, Paniccia C, Stifter S, Tappeiner U, Seeber J, Hilpold A (2022) From diverse to simple: butterfly communities erode from extensive grasslands to intensively used farmland and urban areas. Biodiversity Conservation.

Anderle M, Paniccia C, Brambilla M, Hilpold A, Volani S, Tasser E, Seeber J & Tappeiner U. (2022): The contribution of landscape features, climate and topography in shaping taxonomical and functional diversity of avian communities in a heterogeneous Alpine region. Oecologia

Vanek M, Gross S M, Scotti A(2022): Abundances of benthic invertebrates and related environmental variables collected for the Biodiversity Monitoring project of South Tyrol – BMS (Italy). Eurac Research, PANGAEA,

Scotti A, Marsoner T, Vanek M (2022): A biodiversity monitoring program for macroinvertebrates inhabiting streams and rivers of South Tyrol (Italy): aims, methodologies, and publicly accessible dataset. Data in Brief.


Frieß T, Aurenhammer S, Glatzhofer E, Gunczy LW, Holzinger E, Holzer E, Huber E, Messner S, Morkel C, Steinwandter M & Hilpold A (2021): Insektengemeinschaften (Insecta: Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Auchenorrhyncha) in Windwurfflächen am Latemar (Italien, Südtirol). Gredleriana 21: 133-154.

Guariento E, Anderle M, Debiasi A, Paniccia C (2021): Hystrix cristata (Mammalia: Rodentia: Hystricidae) newly recorded in South Tyrol (Italy) at its current northernmost distribution limit. Gredleriana 21: 187-191.

Guariento E, Frieß T, Hilpold A (2021): Plinthisus brevipennis (Latreille, 1807) (Heteroptera: Rhyparochromidae), neu für Südtirol. Gredleriana 21: 125-127.

Guariento E, Franzini G (2021): Attalus minimus (Insecta, Melyridae)
recently rediscovered in South Tyrol after 109 years. Gredleriana 21: 169-171.

Hilpold A & Heimer V (2021): Euchorthippus declivus (Brisout de Barneville, 1848) und Bicolorana bicolor (Philippi, 1830) (Orthoptera, Insecta) – Neufund bzw. erster gesicherter Nachweis für Südtirol. Gredleriana 21: 121-124.

Hilpold A (2021) Biodiversität/Biodiversità. In: Tappeiner U, Marsoner T, Niedrist G (Eds.) (2021). Landwirtschaftsreport zur Nachhaltigkeit Südtirol/Rapporto agricoltura Alto Adige. Bozen, Italien: Eurac Research. Link German version / Link Italian version.

Obwegs L, Falagiarda M, Fischnaller S, Guariento E, Hilpold A (2021): Erhebungen zur Verbreitung von Wanzen und parasitoiden Wespen in
Obstanbaugebieten mit Schwerpunkt Halyomorpha halys (STÅL, 1855). Heteropteron 64: 15-20.

Obwegs L & Hilpold A (2021): Geocoris erythrocephalus (Lepeletier & Serville, 1825) (Heteroptera: Geocoridae) – neu für die Wanzenfauna Südtirols. Gredleriana 21: 129-131.

Wilhalm T, Bachmann R, Hilpold A et al. (2021): Ergänzungen und Korrekturen zum Katalog der Gefäßpflanzen Südtirols (10). Gredleriana 21: 49-76.

Zhang JGillet FBartha S,[…], Stifter S et al. (2021): Scale dependence of species–area relationships is widespread but generally weak in Palaearctic grasslandsJ Veg Sci202132:e13044.


Ceresa F, Anderle M, Hilpold L, Maistri R, Niederfriniger O, Sascor R  & Kranebitter P (2020): Current distribution and population size of the Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria in South Tyrol (Italy). Avocetta 44 (1)

Spitale D, Stifter S & Hilpold A, (2020) Ephemerum recurvifolium (Dicks.) Boulay (Pottiaceae). In: Ravera S, Puglisi M, Vizzini A et al. (2020): Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 10. Italian Botanist 10: 83-99.





