Project description and objectives
Wild bees, i.e. all wild bee species, with the exception of the domesticated honey bee, are an excellent indicator group for intact cultural landscapes and assume a key function with regard to ecosystem services. First and foremost, they are responsible for the pollination of numerous wild and cultivated plants. At the same time, they are more attractive than any other group of organisms for natural science education, for example in museums and protected areas. At present, there are not enough experts in the field of wild bee research in our province, nor have wild bees been the content of didactic programs of museums and research institutions. Some collections are available but have not been systematically processed. It is therefore a needed to build up and promote wild bee competence in South Tyrol. It is also necessary to raise awareness among the general public about our wild bee fauna.
Content of this special project is the review and processing of already existing data, which in a second step will be entered into the database of the Natural History Museum, with subsequent publication in the online portal FloraFaunaSouth Tyrol. Further goals are the establishment of a comparative collection and photo collection of the wild bees of South Tyrol. In addition, the project will also elaborate a standardized methodology for the survey of wild bees, which in a second step will also be included in the BMS methodological manual. Another goal of the project is to raise awareness of the topic of wild bees among the general public. We want to achieve this through various communication measures, such as lectures and press articles.
Contact person for further information is Lisa Obwegs
Eucera sp. Halictus sp. Bombus sp. Andrena sp. Andrena sp.